Wednesday, February 25, 2015

A good friend will let you fail...

Sometimes being a friend means mastering the art of timing. There is a time for silence. A time to let go and allow people to hurl themselves into their own destiny. And a time to prepare to pick up the pieces when it's all over. - Octavia Butler

Sometimes for me I will not learn something until I fail. When I mean fail I'm really fail, face plant into concrete fail. For me it's very hard  to see my family and friends fail. You keep begging them to stop, to just listen, because its for their own good. You wonder how the hell do they not realize what they're doing to themselves, loved ones, and you. The fact is some people will not get it till it's too late, till they get that DUI, till they go to jail, till they brake their leg, till they hit rock bottom, or even worse they won't and unfortunately will pass away.
And you wonder "How can I just sit back and watch?" Reading this quote about friendship from Octavia Butler is very truthful. You must know how to react to the different situations they're put in. Especially when they hit rock bottom. A true friend doesn't hang around only at your prime, but stays with you, at your lowest point. They take a seat with you when you throw the biggest party in high school, and the cops come to bust it.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Nature vs. Manmade

I saw a flower
So miniscule compared to a tower
But it’s beauty so superior
The tower so inferior
Though a piece of art
Created by someone so smart
But a flower wasn’t designed
Nor created by mankind
Instead a natural piece
It’s life only a temporary lease
Nothing is forever
Nor constant, always an unpredictable endeavor
But that’s the beauty
Nature’s easily attainable duty
The want, the need, to continue on
As we look forward towards the next dawn

I Stand Firm

I stand firm
Until I find someone else to take over my term
Holding up the weight of the world
Above the abyss with my arms curled
A constant evil trying to penetrate
Getting low so that a wave will not excavate
The life that has been created
A new protector has been awaited
A protector doesn’t need perfection
Just has to have a unique affection
For the good and bad souls
Otherwise there will be holes
And thousands of pounds will fall down
Everything will drown
Under the relentless waves
Will lay billions of graves

If you have any questions or thoughts...

Just leave a comment or email me.

Just Be You

Dash like the wind
Towards the place you’d like to be
No crack too small
No wall too tall
You can go with the flow
This will surely let you grow
Choose your own path
Don’t be intimidated by their wrath
Who cares if it’s normal
Normally fun isn’t abnormal
Live with tradition
Under your condition
Create something that’ll last for the ages
So beautiful that it’s displayed on stages
Always do right
You’ll be respected like a knight

The Dream

The dream
To be happy while you flow down the stream
Now this dream isn’t just sitting around
It’s up above on top of this monstrous Mound
And I understand I have to work
Even if it’s sometimes a knee jerk
Nothing should be handed over to me
Nature obviously agree
I want to be my best
And pass my test
The goal is to get high
Not just from that green ganja in the sky
But by natural pride
The feeling you get when you’ve really tried
You take that last advance
You’re drowned in excitement you might even dance
You feel thump-thump
Your heart filled with adrenaline just before a ski jump
You know deserve it
Because of the hours you’ve spent in the pit
Even if you lost your goal
You still gained some heart and soul
But eventually you’ll realize it’s worth the time
So you can keep up improving your prime.


Rejection, something we all fear…
Is it because our heart will sear?
Finding out that the one you love
Who you even believe is a dove
Doesn’t feel the way you feel
And you cannot just simply spin the reel
Instead you have to accept your fate
That they won’t be your soul mate
Simply this is upsetting
But it is not worth regretting
There are plenty of choices
You just need to listen to the correct voices

The Guide

As constant as the tide
Holds the light
And uses the sight
Directs us through hell
So you can catch the swell
The Guide pushes us on
Towards the next dawn
Because something awaits
That decides our fates
We’ll Bitch we’ll complain
But the guide will help us cope with the pain
The Guide will get us up
Just in time to catch the bus
So we stay on track
And will never let us hold back

Right things for Right Right Reasons

Right things for Right Reasons

Lately I’ve been in a depression
Too resolve I need a form of expression
I’m upset because of my expectations
These expectations arise many speculations
I wonder if my expectations are too high
All I do is simply rely
On the fact that people will do the right thing
Even if its as simple as pushing someone on a swing
Is that asking too much?
If that’s the case, people have lost their touch.
People need to do things for the right reasons.
Not just during the holy season.
Even in religion doing the right thing is rewarded.
You’ll go too heaven because you believe God has you recorded
That isn’t right, because you should do it without any recognition
Even if it’s against your tradition
My friends say that with these beliefs I will be trampled
But if one person gets a sample
I know that I have been successful
And I will die without being stressful